This document is to help you begin using MYGIDE. The steps outlined here are intended to give you a basic understanding of the MYGIDE software and its fundamental aspects.
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Type database name (please no spaces) and project name and press OK. You have just created:
1. a standalone database for your project
2. the first model of the project
3. the first 4 statements for the project
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MYGIDE applies formulas to entire periods, not cells, to save your time while building and updating models with the latest historic data. For easier orientation as to what formula is eventually applied where, we have assigned each formula category distinct colours.
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Model appearance is done at the Statement level, applying desired sorting and formatting to the statement’s accounts in data grid.
This is pretty basic stuff seen in many different applications. In some instances you may also use the Context menu to prompt some actions.
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Once you have created your model and imported data, MYGIDE will extrapolate future performance. Some numbers will look reasonable, others not. Pick the one, which is utterly wrong.
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These are quite an interesting set of tools. Some are fairly standard as seen in many other applications e.g. print, email, save as pdf, pic, etc. Others are simply unique must haves.
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