MYGIDE Formulae Help
Divide 2 Values
The user defines 2 accounts. One as a Dividend for an account to be divided by second account as Divisor.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Dividend.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Divisor.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Subtract 2 Values (Minimum Zero)
Subtract 2 Values. The user can define 2 accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period). One as a Dividend for an account to be divided by a second account as the Divisor.
If the result is a negative number, the function returns 0.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Minuend.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Subtrahend.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Decrease in Free Cash
The specific formula for calculating the decrease in the financial accounts. If the value does not decrease, it returns 0.
The user can define 2 accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period).
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as a Free cash flows account.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Free cash Beginning of Period (Previous period Free cash).
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Increase in Free Cash
The specific formula for calculating the decrease in the financial accounts. If the value does not increase, it returns 0.
The user can define 2 accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period).
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as a Free cash flows account.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Decrease in the Additional capital account.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Decrease in a Free cash account.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Change (%)
Based on the average percentage change in account values compared to the previous period and this change is applied when calculating future values. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Change.
It is not necessary to enter parameters. The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically without any formula, expecting the user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Ratio
Based on the average ratio of the account values to another account defined for the period. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Ratio, which is then applied in calculating future values.
The user can define an account to which the ratio will be calculated. The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting the user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Denominator.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
This formula links values of the account defined by the user. The user can define an account and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period).
It is also possible to change the sign of the values to negative (-) or positive (+).
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Denominator.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Ratio cummulative add-on
Sum of the value in a previous period of the account and based on the average ratio of the account values to add-on of another account defined for the period. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Ratio, which is then applied in calculating future values.
The user can define an account to which the ratio will be calculated. The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
How to
- Select Denominator account as parameter A.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window as Ratio of another account.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Current Assets & Liabilities
Based on the average commitment on the account used. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Turn in days, which is then applied in calculating future values.
The user enters two accounts as parameters B and C, to the commitment calculating (parameter C is optional) and the name of the Modelling row, which calculates turn in days during the period.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting the user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Revenue – parameter B.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Costs – parameter C (optional).
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Historical Average
The formula calculates a simple average of the values in previous periods.
The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
How to
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Multiply 2 Values
The user can define 2 accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period). One as a Factor A for an account to be Multiplied by second account as Factor B.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Factor A.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Factor B.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Ratio cummulative
Sum of the value in a previous period of the account and based on the average ratio of the account values to another account defined for the period. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Ratio, which is then applied in calculating future values. The user can define an account to which the will be ratio calculated.
The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
How to
- Select Denominator account as parameter A.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Ratio cummulative addon
Sum of the value in a previous period of the account and based on the average ratio of the other account values to another account defined for the period. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Ratio, which is then applied in calculating future values.
The user can define an account to which the ratio will be calculated. The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
How to
- Select Denominator account as parameter A.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window as Ratio of other account.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Subtract 2 Values
The user can define 2 accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period). One as a Minuend for an account to be subtracted by second account as Subtrahend.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Minuend.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Subtrahend.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Add 2 Values
The user can define 2 accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period). One as an Addend A for an account to be increased by second account as Addend B.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Addend A.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Addend B.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Y = ( A + B) * C
If the value of parameter C is 0, the formula returns 0.
The user can define three accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period).
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Parameter A, B, and C.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Decrease in Additional Capital
The specific formula for calculating the decrease in additional capital. If the additional value does not decrease, it returns 0.
The user can define 2 accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period).
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as a Free cash flows account.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Additional capital Beginning of Period (previous period Additional capital).
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Increase in Additional Capital
The specific formula for calculating the increase in the additional capital. If the additional value does not increase, it returns 0.
The user can define 2 accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period).
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as a Free cash flows account.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Decrease in the Additional capital account.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Decrease in Free cash.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Cash Flows Assets Accounts
The formula calculates the change of the values for the account compared to the previous period. The user defines the account for which the difference is calculated.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Asset account.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Cash Flows Liabilities Accounts
The formula calculates the change of the value of the previous period compared to the current period account’s value. The user defines the account for which the difference is calculated.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Liability account.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Change
Based on the average values of the account compared to previous periods. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Year to Year Subtract, which is applied when calculating future values. The user enters the name of the modelling row.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for the future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for the past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Income Tax (Historical Average)
Based on the average ratio of the account to another account defined by the user for the period. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Ratio, which is then applied in calculating future values. If the result is a negative number, it returns 0.
The user enters a balancing account and an auxiliary line which is calculated proportionately to the value of the balancing account.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Profit before tax account.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Previous Year Profit and Loss
Linking to the annual (or year end) value of the defined account. The user defines the account and can change the sign (-) to negate the original value.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Previous Year Profit and Loss account.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Calculation for Nonnegative value
After performing a mathematical operation this is performed to test for a negative number. If the result is less than 0, it returns 0.
The user can define four accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period). The shift can take integer values 0 and smaller.
All accounts are optional and it is possible for any combination thereof.
How to
- Drag & Drop accounts from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Parameters A, B, C, or D.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Depreciation – accelerated
The calculation of the accelerated depreciation of the defined depreciation account in the defined class.
The user defines the depreciated Account (A), the beginning of the period (B) and the depreciation class (Co), which calculates the duration of the depreciation.
How to
- Drag & Drop accounts from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as depreciated Account (A).
- Drag & Drop accounts from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as the beginning of period (B) account.
- Select Depreciation Class (Co).
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Depreciation – balanced
The calculation of the balanced depreciation of the defined depreciation account in the defined class.
The user defines the depreciated Account (A), the beginning of the period (B) and the depreciation class (Co), which calculates the duration of the depreciation.
How to
- Select depreciated account.
- Drag & Drop accounts from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as depreciated Account (A).
- Drag & Drop accounts from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as the beginning of period (B) account.
- Select Depreciation Class (Co).
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
The formula calculates loan repayments for a defined account by entering the constants.
The user defines a loan account, maturity, and any payment delays.
How to
- Select a loan account.
- Drag & Drop accounts from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Loan account (A).
- Select Maturity period (Co1).
- Select Payment Delay period (Co2).
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Average 2 Values
Calculates the average of 2 accounts.
The user can define 2 accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period).
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Parameter A.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Parameter B.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Interest Rate
The formula calculates a value increase by constant for the defined account. The constant defines the value increase in another account.
The user defines the account and the value of the constants.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as a Base rate (e.g. LIBOR).
- Enter the value for the Margin.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Average of other account
The formula calculates the simple average of the values for a defined account in previous periods.
The user can define an account and how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Reference account.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Calculation for Non-positive value
After performing a mathematical operation this performes a test for a negative number. If the result is greater than 0, it returns 0.
The user can define four accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period). The shift can accept integer values 0 and smaller.
All accounts are optional and it is possible any combination thereof.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Parameter A, B, C, or D.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Discounted Cash Flow
Calculated only for the annual values for the plan, except for the current year. For historical and monthly values it returns 0.
The user defines two accounts, which are used for the calculation.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Unlevered free cash flows account.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Discounting factor (e.g. WACC).
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Y = ( A + B) / C
If the value of parameter C is 0, the formula returns 0.
The user can define three accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period).
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Parameter A, B, and C.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Y = A / B * C
If the value of parameter B is 0, formula returns 0.
The user can define three accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period).
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Parameter A, B, and C.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Present Value
Calculated only for the annual values for the plan, except for the current year. For historical and monthly values it returns 0.
The user defines two accounts, which are used for the calculation.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Discounted Unlevered free cash flows account.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Discounted Terminal Value.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Get end year value
Linking the year-end value of the account from the previous year. There are no changes available for the user.
How to
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Working Capital Loan
Based on the average commitment on the account used. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Turn in days, which is then applied in calculating future values. The maximum calculated value is limited by the parameter C.
The user defines two accounts as parameters B, parameter C as a limit, and the name of the Modelling row, which calculates turn in days during the period.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Revenues or COGS.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as loan Collateral (e.g. WC).
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Ratio Reversed
Based on the average ratio of the account values to another account defined for the period. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Ratio, which is then reversed applied in calculating future values.
The user defines an account to which the ratio will be calculated. The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting the user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Nominator.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Change in Ratio (Efficiency)
It is calculated as a change in the previous period of the ratio to another account.
The user defines the denominator account.
How to
- Select Denominator account as parameter A.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Change I
The formula increase/decrease in value from the previous period by a percentage value defined in another account (parameter A).
The user defines only this one account (parameter A).
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Change in percent account.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Change II
The formula increase/decrease in value in defined account (parameter A) by a percentage value defined in another account (parameter B).
The user defines two accounts and presses shift (addressing The historical values). The shift can accept integer values 0 and smaller.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Parameter A.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Change in percent.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Change III
The formula increase/decrease in value calculated as a multiple of two defined accounts (parameter A and parameter B) by a percentage value defined in another account (parameter C).
The user defines three accounts and presses shift (addressing The historical values). The shift can accept integer values 0 and smaller.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Parameter A.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Parameter B.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Change in percent.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Retained Current Earnings
It is used to calculate monthly values only. The cumulative growth in account value from the previous period and by other accounts (parameter B is optional) while resetting the account value in the defined month.
The user can define two accounts and a month when the calculation will be interrupted.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Current period profits after tax.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Parameter B.
- Select month for Zeroing values of the month.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Consolidation SUM
The sum of all relevant values in consolidated accounts. The parameters of the formula are based on the structure of the model and the consolidation of the accounts.
The user can change the consolidation by adding and removing parameters (accounts) from the formula.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Analytical calculation. Sum values of the child accounts for the period.
The user can add or remove an unlimited number of parameters (accounts).
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Custom formula
The formula allows the user to define any formula within the rules of mathematical functions ( by defining parameters and the mathematical relationships between them.
The user can define any number of accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period). The shift can take integer values 0 and smaller.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters.
- In Function field, enter the rules of mathematical functions to define the relationships.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Count of not zero values
The formula calculates the number of parameters in a given period where the value is greater than zero.
The user can define any number of parameters.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Get January value
The formula is applicable only in the end period cells. The calculated value is equal to the first cell of the subordinate period.
The user cannot make any changes.
How to
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Get December value
The formula is applicable only in the end period cells. The calculated value is equal to the last cell of the subordinate period.
The user cannot make any changes.
How to
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Average of the month values
The formula is applicable only in the end period cells. The calculated value is an average value of the cell of the subordinate period.
The user cannot make any changes.
How to
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Sum of the month values
The formula is applicable only in the end period cells. The calculated value is a sum of values of the cell of the subordinate period.
The user cannot make any changes.
How to
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Get balance as of
The formula is applicable only in the end period cells. The calculated value is equal to the last cell of the subordinate period.
The user cannot make any changes.
How to
- Select Formula Time Validity for selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply formula.
Modelling Ratio Limited
Based on the average ratio of the account values to another account defined for the period. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Ratio, which is then applied in calculating future values.
The user defines an account to which the ratio will be calculated. The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting the user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Revenue or other reference account.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Lower limit account.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Upper limit account.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Depreciation – balanced, cumulated
Calculation of the cumulative balanced depreciation of the defined depreciation account in the defined class. There is also option to include or exclude historical investments.
The user defines the depreciated Account (A), Booked period (Co1), if the historical investments are included in the calculation or not (Co2), and the depreciation class (Co), which calculates the duration of the depreciation.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Investment account.
- Select Booked period.
- Select Depreciation Class.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
The formula returns the maximum value of defined parameters. The result can have a limited value defined by the constant (Co).
The user can define an unlimited number of accounts, a value for the limit, and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period). The shift can take integer values 0 and smaller.
How to
- Drag & Drop one or more accounts from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
The formula returns minimum the value of defined parameters. The result can have a limited value defined by the constant (Co).
The user can define an unlimited number of accounts, the defined month, a value for the limit, and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period). The shift can take integer values 0 and smaller.
How to
- Drag & Drop one or more accounts from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Retained Profits
Is used to calculate monthly values, where in one month, the formula is calculated differently than others. In the defined month, the formula calculates three parameters, otherwise, it includes into the calculation only parameter A and parameter B. If the result is a negative number, the formula returns 0.
The user can define three accounts, the defined month, and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period). The shift can take integer values 0 and smaller.
How to
- Drag & Drop Previous period Retained Earnings account from List of Accounts window as parameter A.
- Drag & Drop Dividends in the current period account from List of Accounts window as parameter B.
- Drag & Drop Previous period profits after tax account from List of Accounts window as parameter C.
- Select a month for calculation as Co1.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Retained Losses
Is used to calculate monthly values, where in one month, the formula is calculated differently than others. In the defined month, the formula calculates three parameters, otherwise, it includes into the calculation only parameter A and parameter B. If the result is a negative number, the formula returns 0.
The user can define three accounts, the defined month, and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period). The shift can take integer values 0 and smaller.
How to
- Drag & Drop Previous period Retained Earnings account from List of Accounts window as parameter A.
- Drag & Drop Dividends in the current period account from List of Accounts window as parameter B.
- Drag & Drop Previous period profits after tax account from List of Accounts window as parameter C.
- Select a month for calculation as Co1.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Change in Equity Accounts
Is used to calculate monthly values, where in one month, the formula is calculated differently than others. In the defined month, the formula calculates three parameters, otherwise, it includes into the calculation only parameter A and parameter B.
The user can define three accounts, the defined month, and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period). The shift can take integer values 0 and smaller.
How to
- Drag & Drop Previous period Retained Earnings account from List of Accounts window as parameter A.
- Drag & Drop Dividends in the current period account from List of Accounts window as parameter B.
- Drag & Drop Previous period profits after tax account from List of Accounts window as parameter C.
- Select a month for calculation as Co1.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Is a simple formula using the + and – operators.
The user can define any number of accounts and then press shift (referring to the historical values; choose -1 to shift the calculation parameter for each previous period). The shift can take integer values 0 and smaller.
How to
- Drag & Drop one or more accounts from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Seasonality Change (%)
The result is calculated only on a monthly basis as indexed by the monthly average of the same month in a previous year, modified by a change in the previous months in current year and user-defined constant. Adding the function will create two auxiliary rows used for a seasonality calculation.
The user can define only a value for a constant (is not necessary), by which the numbers have changed compared to the previous season.
How to
- Drag & Drop one or more accounts from List of Accounts window as constant Co1 (is not necessary).
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula. On monthly bases only is recommended.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Seasonality Ratio
The result is calculated as an average ratio of the account values to another defined account and then indexed by the monthly average of the same month in the previous year, modified by a change in the previous months for a current year and user-defined constant. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Ratio, used for a seasonality calculation.
The user can define only a value for a constant (is not necessary), by which the numbers have changed compared to the previous season.
How to
- Select Denominator account as parameter A.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Current Assets & Liabilities
Based on the average commitment on the account used and then indexed by the monthly average of the same month in the previous year, modified by a change in the previous months for a current year and user-defined constant. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Turn in days, which is then applied in calculating future values.
The user enters two accounts as parameters B and C, to which is the commitment calculating (parameter C is optional) and the name of the Modelling row, which calculates turn in days during the period.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting the user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Revenue – parameter B.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Costs – parameter C (optional).
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Cycled Result
The result is calculated as the sum of the defined period values of parameter accounts. The result might be calculated in defined period frequency.
The user can define parameter accounts and its sign, number of periods to sum, and calculation frequency.
How to
- Drag & Drop one or more accounts from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters.
- Select a number periods for calculation as Co1. For previous periods use negative sign.
- Select a frequency of calculation as Co2.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Ratio Reverse Seasonality
The result is calculated as an average reverse ratio of the account values to another defined account and then indexed by the monthly average of the same month in the previous year, modified by a change in the previous months for a current year and a user-defined constant. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Ratio, used for a seasonality calculation.
The user defines an account to which the ratio will be calculated. The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting the user to import data from the general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Nominator.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Weighted Ratio
Based on the average ratio of the account values to another account defined for the period and multiplied by the weight. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Weighted Ratio, which is then applied in calculating future values.
The user can define an account to which the ratio will be calculated and the Weight account. The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting the user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Denominator.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Weight.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Spot Rate
Based on the average reverse ratio of the account values to parameter B account defined for the period and multiplied by parameter A account. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Spot Rate, which is then applied in calculating future values.
The user can define a parameter B account to which the ratio will be calculated and a parameter A account. The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting the user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as parameter A.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as parameter B.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
YoY Growth
Based on the average percentage change in the difference between the value in a given month and the value of the same month in the previous year all divided by the value in the previous month in the previous year. Adding the function will create a modelling row – YoY Growth, which is then applied in calculating future values.
It is not necessary to enter the parameters. The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting the user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Gradual Change
Based on the average percentage change in the sum of the LTM (last twelve months) values of the account compared to parameter A of the same month in the previous year. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Gradual Change, which is then applied in calculating future values.
The user can define a parameter A account to which the ratio will be calculated and a parameter A account. The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting the user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as parameter A.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Gradual Weighted Ratio
Based on the average ratio of the sum of the LTM (last twelve months) account values to another account value of the same month in the previous year and multiplied by the weight. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Gradual Weighted Ratio, which is then applied in calculating future values.
The user can define an account to which the ratio will be calculated and a Weight account. The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting the user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Denominator (parameter A).
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Weight (parameter B).
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Gradual Spot Rate
Based on the average reverse ratio of the sum of the LTM (last twelve months) account values to parameter B account value of the same month in the previous year and multiplied by parameter A account. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Gradual Spot Rate, which is then applied in calculating future values.
The user can define a parameter B account to which the ratio will be calculated and parameter A account. The user can define how many periods should be included in the average, the default is the last three periods.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting the user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as parameter A.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as parameter B.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Modelling Seasonality Change in Ratio (Efficiency)
It is calculated as a change in the previous period of the ratio to another account and then indexed by the monthly average of the same month in the previous year, modified by a change in the previous months for a current year. Adding the function will create a modelling row – Efficiency PoP, used for a seasonality calculation.
The user defines the denominator account.
Beware: Modelling formulas are always to be used exclusively for future periods (Forecast and Budget), never for past periods. Past periods are typically formula less, expecting the user to import data from general ledger or other sources.
How to
- Select Denominator account as parameter A.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Depreciation – useful life
Calculation of the cumulative balanced depreciation of the defined depreciation account in the defined class. The depreciation is calculated for ongoing months only.
The user defines the Investment (A) and the depreciation class (Co), which calculates the duration of the depreciation.
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Investment account.
- Select Depreciation Class.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Reconciliation (monthly)
The formula distributes a year-end account value subtracted by the actual months’ values into the forecast monthly cells. Year-end value is calculated as an Expenses (Parameter A) account multiplied by the Markup (Parameter B).
The user defines the Expenses (A) and the Markup (B).
How to
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Expenses.
- Drag & Drop an account from List of Accounts window to Defined Formula Parameters as Markup.
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.
Budget Distribution (monthly)
The formula distributes a year-end account budget value subtracted by the actual months’ values into the forecast monthly cells. The formula can be applied to monthly forecast cells only. It is not necessary to enter the parameters.
How to
- Select Formula Time Validity for the selected formula to monthly forecast cells only.
- Click on the Save button to apply the formula.