We give data a business meaning

Data Integration
Just connect it
Collect accounting, production, sales, market, competitive, and any other data you need
Apply the best formulae where your data needs be calculated
Share it in business relevant structures and formats
All this via MYGIDE’s built-in data transformation interface
#DBConnect #import #copyPaste

MYGIDE allows consolidation of your different business entities and segments using general ledger coding or user defined connections
Data is then instantly pulled together and displayed in report structures and statements, allowing for a quick drill down
Change on any sub level instantly recalculates into parent levels
#multi-currency #eliminations #crosscalculations

Predictive Analytics
Leave the guessing to a fortune-teller
MYGIDE calculates horizontal and vertical run-rates and produces indicative short term and long term plans based on historic and actual performance, and business trends
You can also override run-rate trends with your own assumptions
Different versions of what-if or exclude/include analysis can be then saved as scenarios for comparison and evaluation purposes
#seasonality #whatif #scenarioplanning

Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting
Update your plans easily
MYGIDE provides a collaborative process for managing all your budgeting and planning needs
Operational divisions managers get data and tools to populate their plans, whilst financial team can see a real time consolidation of their inputs
It only takes less than 30 seconds to update your plans with the latest actuals
Managers can therefor focus on overall performance implications instead of data crunching
#completeDataSets #strategyTesting #educatedGuesses

Corporate Reporting
Do you need to understand product sales, divisional costs and profits? Absolutely. Do you want insights into working capital, debt management? Of course! Cash flows? MYGIDE answers all these questions for you!
MYGIDE delivers customizable statements, time series and reporting views, exporting, web publishing and sharing functions
All in real time. We believe you shouldn’t expect any less from your modelling solution
#real-time #collaborate #futureCash-flows

Bullet proof argumentation
Valuation as an ultimate performance indicator is often overlooked.
Yet it shows how well a company is managed. There is no better argument to support or reject a measure than its implication on company value
With MYGIDE you can incorporate valuation techniques into your reporting. Keeping every element up to date with each new actuals and revised plans
#DCF #EVA #mutliples #WAAC #ROCE
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